The impact of extreme weather on online communities: University of Plymouth research reveals viewer motivation

A University of Plymouth study analyzed the motives of viewers of live broadcasts of extreme weather conditions. The study reveals how people use transmissions to check risks, support affected areas, and learn about hazards.

The impact of extreme weather on online communities: University of Plymouth research reveals viewer motivation
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Extreme weather conditions, such as hurricanes and storms, have become more frequent and intense in recent years.

As a result, the public's interest has increased, often resulting in dramatic footage broadcast live on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Discord.

Now, a study conducted at the University of Plymouth has, for the first time, analyzed what might motivate people to watch these broadcasts – sometimes for up to 12 hours continuously.

The research focused on live broadcasts of three events – Hurricane Irma in 2017, Hurricane Ian in 2022, and the storms Dudley, Eunice, and Franklin in 2022.

A detailed analysis of viewer comments revealed that people in affected areas used the broadcasts to discuss official government advice on risk – for example, whether to evacuate.

Others were drawn to the broadcasts because they had a prior connection to the affected area. For these people, watching the live footage – which included sharing messages of 'hope' that the hurricane or storm would pass without causing destruction – was a way to show support for the places and people affected by the event.

The research was published in the journal Environmental Hazards and conducted by Dr. Simon Dickinson, a lecturer in geohazards and risks at the University of Plymouth.

When dramatic things happen – whether it's extreme weather conditions or events like tornadoes or volcanic eruptions – people gather to watch. It might be assumed that this is just a form of online 'rubber-necking', with people naturally drawn to spectacular scenes. However, this research shows that the motives for watching footage of extreme weather conditions are more complex. Live broadcasts provide an opportunity for people near, far, and in affected areas to communicate with each other in real time. The footage becomes markers that people use to check their understanding of the significance of events, how hazards work, and as online gathering places to share experiences of similar events. This is a fascinating insight into human behavior that has not been explored before.

Simon Dickinson
Lecturer in Geohazards and Risks

The research focused on nine live broadcasts of hurricanes and storms from 2017 and 2022, which collectively lasted 65 hours and were followed by over 1.8 million people.

During that time, more than 14,300 comments were left by 5,000 unique accounts, reflecting the fact that footage focused on events of national or global importance generates greater audience engagement than usual.

Many broadcasts already existed as webcam channels that were repurposed during the hurricane or storm, such as cameras that broadcast conditions on beaches or in harbors. In some cases, affected people broadcast live footage from their home security or doorbell cameras.

The study shows that people are interested in learning more about the science behind these events, highlighting the need for further research on how people use new technologies to understand hazard risks.

While scientists are becoming better at communicating risks, people are much more inclined to discuss hazards in informal and relatively unmoderated settings. Moments of extreme weather conditions are important because they direct people's attention and generate discussions about hazards, how they work, and how they will increasingly affect us in the future. New digital practices – such as live broadcasting – are therefore important to understand because they are not just spaces for voyeurism during disasters. Instead, they are spaces for learning, community, and emotional support in a world that feels increasingly unstable. Dr. Simon Dickinson

Source: University of Plymouth

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 05 Juli, 2024
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