In the late evening hours, specifically around 10:40 PM, a traffic accident occurred at the intersection of Slavonska Avenue and Grada Gospića Street. Drawn into fate, a 46-year-old driver of a car with Zagreb registration plates was involved in an incident that resulted in material damage.
Cause of the Accident
The driver was traveling along Slavonska Avenue towards house number 11, where the road widened into four traffic lanes due to construction work. Despite the presence of clear traffic signs directing traffic towards the northwest direction on Grada Gospića Street, the driver did not adjust their speed to the road conditions. The excessive speed led to a loss of control over the vehicle, resulting in a collision with the installed traffic signage.
Police Intervention
Police services quickly responded to the accident scene, where they carried out standard procedures for assessing the situation. As part of these procedures, the driver was subjected to a breathalyzer test, revealing an alcohol concentration of 1.65 g/kg in the blood, significantly above the legal limit. As a result, the driver was immediately arrested and placed in a special police room to ensure that they did not continue to drive under the influence of alcohol.
Legal Consequences
The following day, September 11, the driver was brought before the Municipal Misdemeanor Court in Zagreb. After considering all circumstances of the case, the court issued a final judgment imposing a monetary fine of 1580 euros on the driver. In addition to the financial penalty, the court decided on a protective measure involving a two-month ban on driving a Category B vehicle. These measures aim to prevent the recurrence of similar offenses and maintain traffic safety.
Importance of Adhering to Traffic Rules
This incident serves as a warning to all drivers about the seriousness of driving under the influence of alcohol. It not only constitutes a violation of the law but also significantly increases the risk of traffic accidents that can have tragic consequences. Traffic accidents caused by alcohol not only affect the driver but also other road users, including pedestrians and other drivers. Therefore, it is of utmost importance for all drivers to be responsible and aware of their actions on the road.
Statistics and Prevention
According to the latest data, the number of traffic accidents caused by alcohol remains at worrying levels. Besides the legal consequences, drivers who drive under the influence of alcohol face long-term consequences, which may include loss of driving license, increased insurance premiums, and damage to reputation. The police regularly conduct checks to reduce the frequency of such offenses, and public campaigns continue to educate drivers about the dangers of alcohol-induced driving.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 13 September, 2024
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