How doomscrolling affects mental health and the meaning of life

The impact of doomscrolling on mental health and perception of the meaning of life: new research reveals worrying results

New research from Flinders University shows that doomscrolling, or continuously browsing disturbing news on social media, can cause serious mental health consequences, including stress, anxiety, despair, and a sense that life has no meaning. Researchers surveyed 800 students from Iran and the United States to understand the impact of negative news on humanity's perceptions and existential issues.

The impact of doomscrolling on mental health and perception of the meaning of life: new research reveals worrying results
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

In a unique study, researchers from Flinders University examined the impact of doomscrolling, which involves the continuous browsing of distressing news on social media. The habit of constantly viewing traumatic news such as shootings, terrorism, and conspiracy theories can become addictive and lead to significant changes in how we perceive the world, people, and the meaning of life.

The research shows that doomscrolling causes an increase in suspicion and distrust towards other people, as well as a sense that life is meaningless. Specifically, doomscrolling can negatively affect our mental health, causing stress, anxiety, despair, and existential crises.

"Doomscrolling can have serious consequences on our mental health, leading us to feelings of stress, anxiety, and despair, and causing us to question the meaning of life," says the study's lead author, Mr. Reza Shabahang from the School of Education, Psychology, and Social Work.
"Modern media have become a source of mediated trauma, where people experience negative psychological effects even though they have not directly experienced traumatic events."

The study examined 800 students from two different cultures - an Eastern collectivist culture (Iran) and a Western individualistic culture (the United States). The goal was to investigate how excessive consumption of negative news via social media can affect their thoughts and feelings regarding existential issues.

"The research included questions about the frequency of doomscrolling, the level of anxiety related to existential issues, the perception of the world's fairness, and attitudes towards humanity," says Mr. Shabahang.
The results showed that doomscrolling was associated with existential anxiety - concerns about life and death - in both the Iranian and American samples, and was a significant predictor of misanthropy - aversion to people - in the Iranian sample.

"Constant exposure to negative news can threaten our beliefs about mortality and control over our own lives," adds Shabahang.

To reduce the negative effects of doomscrolling, it is important to be aware of your online habits and regularly take breaks from social media. Awareness of the time spent on social media and its impact on our emotions, thoughts, and feelings can help maintain mental health.

"We recommend people pay attention to the time they spend doomscrolling and take steps to reduce that time if it becomes problematic."
"By becoming more aware of our online habits, we can take small steps that will help improve our mental health," concludes Shabahang.

The study titled "Does Doomscrolling Trigger Existential Anxiety and Foster Pessimism About Human Nature? Evidence From Iran and the United States" was published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior Reports.

Doomscrolling has become a common phenomenon in modern society, especially with the rise of information availability through social media. People often do not realize how much time they spend browsing negative news, which can have long-term consequences on their mental health. To avoid negative effects, experts advise limiting time spent on social media and actively seeking positive content that can balance the impact of negative news.

In addition, it is recommended to use relaxation techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises, which can help reduce stress and anxiety caused by doomscrolling. It is also important to develop awareness of one's emotional reactions to the news and seek support if feeling overwhelmed or depressed.

Research like this is crucial for understanding the impact of new technologies and media on human psychology. As technology evolves, so do our behavior patterns, which require continuous monitoring and adaptation to ensure individuals' mental health and well-being.

It is important to keep in mind that while social media is a powerful tool for connection and information, its excessive use can have negative consequences. Maintaining a balance between consuming information and taking breaks from digital devices is key to preserving mental health and quality of life.

Source: Flinders University


Erstellungszeitpunkt: 24 Juli, 2024
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