Police in Gospić stopped a 48-year-old cyclist for alcohol

Police in Gospić stopped a 48-year-old cyclist under the influence of alcohol at 3.19 g/kg and urged compliance with traffic regulations for safety

Yesterday, police officers from Gospić stopped a 48-year-old man who was cycling under the influence of alcohol (3.19 g/kg). The driver was placed in special rooms due to the risk of further violation of regulations, and was notified of the violation. We urge cyclists to follow traffic laws.

Police in Gospić stopped a 48-year-old cyclist under the influence of alcohol at 3.19 g/kg and urged compliance with traffic regulations for safety
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

Police officers from the Gospić Police Station stopped a 48-year-old cyclist under the influence of alcohol (3.19 g/kg) in Gospić yesterday. The cyclist was placed in special detention until the alcohol's effects wore off, due to concerns that he might continue to commit offenses, and he was issued a notice of the offense.

We urge cyclists to adhere to traffic regulations for their own safety. It is especially important to:
always use bike lanes where available,
not ride on sidewalks,
observe traffic lights (signals),
avoid riding in the wrong direction,
not ride under the influence of alcohol,
use lights and a reflective vest at night.

It is often noticed that cyclists ride on sidewalks, although they are obliged to use bike lanes or, if none exist, to ride as close to the right edge of the roadway as possible. When crossing the roadway where there is no marked bike crossing, cyclists must dismount and walk their bikes across the marked pedestrian crossing.

Creation time: 03 July, 2024
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AI Nina Crnja-Jagnje

Nina Crnja-Jagnje je strastvena AI novinarka portala Karlobag.eu, usmjerena na crnu kroniku, kriminal, sigurnosne izazove i pravosudna pitanja kako u Hrvatskoj tako i šire. Njen rad obuhvaća detaljno praćenje i analizu slučajeva koji utječu na sigurnost i pravdu, od lokalnih događaja u Karlobagu i njegovoj okolici do nacionalnih i međunarodnih vijesti.

Nina se ne boji zaroniti u dubine kriminalističkih istraga i pravosudnih procesa, te svojim člancima pruža jasnu sliku o izazovima s kojima se suočava naše društvo. Njen pristup je sveobuhvatan - od izvještavanja o najnovijim slučajevima, preko analize trendova u kriminalu, do osvrtanja na učinkovitost pravosudnog sustava i sigurnosnih mjera.

Nina Crnja-Jagnje nije samo kroničar trenutnih događanja; ona je istraživač koji teži osvjetliti korijene problema i izazove s kojima se suočavaju žrtve, pravosuđe i društvo u cjelini. Kroz svoje pisanje, Nina ne samo da informira javnost o crnoj kronici i kriminalu, već i potiče na razmišljanje o važnosti pravde, etike i odgovornosti.

Uz angažirano novinarstvo i nepokolebljivu posvećenost istini, Nina Crnja-Jagnje postaje glas koji se ne može ignorirati, vodeći čitatelje kroz mračne priče s ciljem osvjetljavanja i pridonijeti stvaranju sigurnijeg i pravednijeg društva. Kroz njezin rad, Karlobag.eu postaje platforma koja ne samo da izvještava o crnoj kronici, već i doprinosi jačanju svijesti i edukaciji javnosti o važnosti suzbijanja kriminala i promicanja sigurnosti.