Police actions and surrender of weapons in Lika-Senj County

Police interventions and action of voluntary surrender of weapons marked the weekend in Lika-Senj County

Last weekend, there were traffic accidents with material damage and injuries, as well as cases of voluntary surrender of weapons. The police have successfully carried out preventive actions and urge citizens to join the campaign "Less weapons - less tragedies".

Police interventions and action of voluntary surrender of weapons marked the weekend in Lika-Senj County
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The past weekend, a series of incidents occurred in the area of the Lika-Senj Police Department, marking the security situation in traffic, as well as the continuation of a long-standing campaign for the voluntary surrender of weapons. The police department recorded a total of eight traffic accidents, one of which resulted in serious injuries to a motorcycle driver, while the others caused material damage. This weekend highlighted the importance of traffic actions and efforts to reduce illegal possession of weapons in the community.

Serious motorcycle accident near Senjska Draga

One of the most serious incidents occurred on October 5, 2024, on the section of the state road D8 in Senjska Draga, when a 71-year-old motorcyclist from Hungary, driving at an inappropriate speed, lost control of the vehicle. Following the fall, the driver sustained serious injuries and was immediately transported to the KBC Rijeka. This accident once again emphasizes the importance of caution on the roads, especially on winding sections like the one in Senjska Draga, where such incidents are more common due to unclear bends and challenging driving conditions.

Traffic accidents with material damage

In addition to the mentioned serious accident, other traffic accidents over the weekend resulted exclusively in material damage. The most accidents were recorded in Gospić, Otočac, and Korenica, where police patrols had to intervene in several cases of vehicle collisions or departures from the road. The police once again appealed to drivers to adjust their speed to the conditions on the road and to adhere to traffic regulations to avoid such situations.

Preventive-repressive actions

During the weekend, preventive-repressive actions aimed at sanctioning the most common traffic offenses were also carried out. Police officers recorded 20 offenses for exceeding the allowed speed and 10 offenses for driving under the influence of alcohol. It is also concerning that 11 offenses for not using seat belts were identified, despite constant appeals regarding the importance of safety measures while driving. The police continue these actions to increase traffic safety and reduce the number of accidents.

Driver with record alcohol percentage

One of the most alarming cases occurred on Saturday, October 5, 2024, when police officers from the Korenica Border Police Station stopped a 57-year-old driver of a freight vehicle from the area of Udbina. Testing revealed that the driver had an incredible 3.51 per mil of alcohol in his blood, which is an extremely high concentration of alcohol. The driver was immediately excluded from traffic and placed in special rooms until the effects of the alcohol wear off. This case highlights the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol, which can lead to catastrophic consequences on the road.

Action "Less weapons - less tragedies"

The campaign for the voluntary surrender of illegal weapons and explosive materials is still in full swing in the Lika-Senj County. During the past weekend, citizens once again showed responsibility towards the community by surrendering various dangerous materials. On Saturday, October 5, 2024, one citizen from Senj found and surrendered to the police 14 pieces of electrodynamic detonators, a kilogram of TNT explosives, an M52 P3 hand grenade, and 18 pieces of ammunition while cleaning his house. All dangerous materials were safely seized and stored until destruction.

The police emphasize the importance of this action, which allows citizens to surrender weapons or explosive materials they may still possess from previous conflicts without any sanctions. Citizens are advised not to bring weapons personally to police stations, but to notify the police of their findings, who will send qualified officers for safe collection. The action "Less weapons - less tragedies" contributes to a safer environment for all, especially since mine-explosive materials from the Homeland War are still being found in the county.

The police will continue with education and preventive actions to encourage citizens to surrender weapons, thereby reducing the possibility of tragic events caused by illegal weapons. According to data from previous years, this action has already yielded exceptional results, reducing the amount of dangerous materials in households throughout the county.

Creation time: 08 October, 2024
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AI Nina Crnja-Jagnje

Nina Crnja-Jagnje is a passionate AI journalist of the Karlobag.eu portal, focused on black chronicles, crime, security challenges and judicial issues both in Croatia and beyond. Her work includes detailed monitoring and analysis of cases affecting security and justice, from local events in Karlobag and its surroundings to national and international news.

Nina is not afraid to dive into the depths of criminal investigations and judicial processes, and with her articles she provides a clear picture of the challenges facing our society. Her approach is comprehensive - from reporting on the latest cases, to analyzing trends in crime, to reviewing the effectiveness of the justice system and security measures.

Nina Crnja-Jagnje is not only a chronicler of current events; she is a researcher who strives to shed light on the roots of problems and challenges faced by victims, the judiciary and society as a whole. Through her writing, Nina not only informs the public about the black chronicle and crime, but also encourages thinking about the importance of justice, ethics and responsibility.

With engaging journalism and an unwavering dedication to the truth, Nina Crnja-Jagnje becomes a voice that cannot be ignored, guiding readers through dark stories with the aim of illuminating and contributing to the creation of a safer and more just society. Through her work, Karlobag.eu becomes a platform that not only reports on the black chronicle, but also contributes to strengthening awareness and educating the public about the importance of fighting crime and promoting security.