Razlike u svijesti ljudi i umjetne inteligencije

Razlike između svijesti ljudi i umjetne inteligencije: analiza uzročnih struktura i principa slobodne energije

Wanja Wiese istražuje uvjete potrebne za svijest, uspoređujući mozak i računala. Analiza naglašava ključne razlike u uzročnoj strukturi i primjeni principa slobodne energije.

Razlike između svijesti ljudi i umjetne inteligencije: analiza uzročnih struktura i principa slobodne energije
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Wanja Wiese explores the conditions necessary for the existence of consciousness, emphasizing the difference between the brain and computers. According to Dr. Wiese, although AI can simulate certain processes of consciousness, key differences prevent it from becoming truly conscious. In his essay, he analyzes these differences, particularly focusing on the structure of the brain and the way information is processed.

Two Methods of Research
Wiese uses two approaches to study consciousness in artificial systems. The first approach examines how conscious current AI systems are and what would need to be added for them to become conscious. The second approach, which Wiese prefers, focuses on identifying types of AI systems that are unlikely to become conscious and how to eliminate the possibility of developing consciousness in certain systems.

Reducing the Risk of Artificial Consciousness
The goal of Wiese's work is to reduce the risk of unintentionally creating artificial consciousness, as it is unclear under what conditions this would be morally acceptable. This approach helps eliminate the possibility of deception by systems that appear to be conscious, while experts believe that current AI systems are not conscious.

Free Energy Principle
Wiese relies on the free energy principle of Karl Friston, which describes the processes of self-organizing systems as a type of information processing. In humans, this includes processes that regulate body temperature, blood oxygen content, and sugar levels. Computers can simulate these processes but cannot regulate their physiological parameters.

Causal Structure
The key difference Wiese highlights is the causal structure of the brain compared to computers. In a computer, data is first loaded from memory, then processed in the processor unit, and stored. In the brain, there is no such separation, which means that different areas of the brain communicate with each other differently. Wiese argues that this difference could be crucial for consciousness.

Analysis of Differences
In his analysis, Wiese points out that most of the differences between the brain and computers are not relevant to consciousness. For example, the brain is more energy-efficient than an electronic computer, but this is probably not a necessary condition for consciousness. However, the way different parts of the brain communicate with each other could be key to understanding consciousness.

In conclusion, Wiese states that the free energy principle is useful for describing the characteristics of conscious beings that can be realized in artificial systems but are not present in most artificial systems such as computer simulations. This approach allows for a more detailed and precise determination of the conditions necessary for consciousness in artificial systems.

Dr. Wanja Wiese from Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, explores the difference between consciousness in the human brain and computers. In his work, he emphasizes the importance of brain structure and the way it processes information, stating that causal connections between different parts of the brain play a key role in creating consciousness. The essay was published in the journal “Philosophical Studies” on June 26, 2024.

According to Dr. Wiese, although artificial intelligence can simulate certain processes of consciousness, there are key differences that prevent it from truly becoming conscious. In his work, Wiese analyzes these differences and emphasizes how the structure of the brain and the way information is processed play a key role in creating consciousness. There are two main approaches to studying consciousness in artificial systems. The first approach attempts to answer the question of how conscious current AI systems are and what should be added to existing systems to achieve this. The second approach, which Wiese prefers, focuses on identifying types of AI systems that are unlikely to become conscious and how to eliminate the possibility that certain systems will develop consciousness.

The goal of Wiese's work is to reduce the risk of unintentionally creating artificial consciousness because it is unclear under what conditions this would be morally acceptable. Also, this approach helps eliminate the possibility of deception by systems that only appear to be conscious. There are indications that many people attribute consciousness to chatbots they interact with, although experts believe that current AI systems are not conscious.

In his work, Wiese relies on the free energy principle developed by British neuroscientist Karl Friston. This principle describes processes that ensure the existence of self-organizing systems, such as living organisms, as a type of information processing. In humans, this includes processes that regulate vital parameters such as body temperature, blood oxygen content, and blood sugar levels. Computers can simulate these processes but cannot regulate their physiological parameters. The key difference that Wiese highlights is the causal structure of the brain compared to computers. In a conventional computer, data is first loaded from memory, then processed in the processing unit, and finally stored again. In the brain, there is no such separation, which means that different areas of the brain communicate in a different way. Wiese argues that this difference could be key to understanding consciousness.

In his analysis, Wiese points out that most of the differences between the brain and computers are not relevant to consciousness. For example, the brain is more energy-efficient than an electronic computer, but this is probably not a necessary condition for consciousness. However, the way different parts of the brain communicate with each other could be key to understanding consciousness.

In conclusion, Wiese states that the free energy principle is useful for describing the characteristics of conscious beings that can be realized in artificial systems but are not present in most artificial systems such as computer simulations. This approach allows for a more detailed and precise determination of the conditions necessary for consciousness in artificial systems.

Furthermore, Wiese's analysis shows how different processes in the brain affect the formation of consciousness, which can provide a deeper understanding not only of human consciousness but also of the possibility of its creation in artificial systems. As AI systems become more sophisticated, the difference between simulating consciousness and true consciousness remains a key topic for research. Through his work, Wiese aims to clarify these differences and offer guidelines for the further development of artificial intelligence that not only simulates but potentially replicates conscious experiences. This research has a significant impact on ethical and philosophical debates about the nature of consciousness and the moral status of artificial systems.

Source: Ruhr University Bochum

Czas utworzenia: 21 lipca, 2024
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