
Urban flooding: the challenges of combined sewage systems in coastal cities facing climate change and sea level rise

Urban flooding: the challenges of combined ...

U.S. coastal cities like Philadelphia, New York, and Boston face a serious risk of flooding from untreated sewage. Due to combined sewage systems and sea level rise, these floods are a growing public health problem.


IIASA's research points to the need for ...

A new IIASA study reveals that achieving zero waste emissions into aquatic ecosystems by 2030 is unlikely, jeopardizing the Sustainable Development Goals. The authors highlight the urgent need to improve the waste management system in the affected regions.

Changes in tropical rainfall due to carbon emissions will affect agriculture and economies of regions near the equator over the coming decades

Changes in tropical rainfall due to carbon ...

Scientists predict that uncontrolled carbon emissions will cause tropical rains to shift northward, with significant consequences for agriculture and economies in areas close to the equator, including central Africa, northern South America, and Pacific island states.

How climate milestones have shaped North Africa: from the African wet season to the modern Sahara |

How climate milestones have shaped North ...

More than five thousand years ago, dramatic climate changes transformed North Africa from a fertile region to an arid Sahara. This research reveals how climate milestones, such as intense dry-wet cycles, not only shaped the landscape, but also fostered the development of ancient civilizations.

Innovative avocado tree fiber food packaging reduces plastic use and increases sustainability |

Innovative avocado tree fiber food packaging ...

New research shows how avocado tree pruning residues can be used to produce sustainable food packaging, reducing the use of bioplastics and improving the mechanical properties of packaging. This progress contributes to reducing the environmental footprint of the food industry.

Research reveals the warmest summer in the Northern Hemisphere in two thousand years, surpassing all previous climate extremes

Research reveals the warmest summer in the ...

Scientists have found that the summer of 2023 was the warmest in the Northern Hemisphere in two thousand years, surpassing all natural climate variation. This incredible rise in temperature further underscores the urgency of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to prevent even worse effects of climate change.