Crime News

Arrests of members of extremist group in Germany over plans to seize power in eastern federal states

Arrests of members of extremist group in ...

German police have arrested members of an extremist organization that was planning a violent takeover of power in the eastern federal states. The operation included raids in multiple cities and uncovered weapons, plans and links to international extremist groups.

The State Attorney

The State Attorney's Office transfers the ...

The State Attorney's Office of the Republic of Croatia has taken over the investigation due to irregularities in the Šibenik prosecutor's office. Due to a possible conflict of interest and impartiality, the case has been redirected to another competent prosecutor's office, and additional investigative procedures are underway

Police exclude technically defective school bus from traffic

Police exclude technically defective school ...

Police surveillance revealed serious technical deficiencies on a school bus carrying children on a field trip. The bus has been excluded from traffic, and misdemeanor proceedings have been initiated against the driver and the owner. The police continue with preventive actions to ensure the safety of children in traffic.

Police warn of spells removal scams in exchange for jewelry and money

Police warn of spells removal scams in ...

Online scams are becoming more common, and scammers are using false promises of spell removal to deceive citizens. The police call for caution and recommend checking the source before any surrender of value to unknown persons.

Another member of a criminal organization charged with drug and arms trafficking

Another member of a criminal organization ...

USKOK has indicted a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina for involvement in serious crimes related to drug trafficking, arms, and explosives. This organization operated on an international level, using complex networks for the distribution of illegal substances. Investigative authorities continue to work on uncovering criminal activities

How to properly use child seats and why their use is crucial for children

How to properly use child seats and why their ...

Child seats provide maximum protection for children in the event of a collision. In Croatia, the use of car seats is mandatory, and proper installation and use can significantly reduce the risk of injury

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