
The discovery of two exoplanets around the star TOI-1453 opens up new possibilities for space exploration

The discovery of two exoplanets around the ...

Astronomers have discovered two exoplanets in the constellation Dragon, providing valuable information about planets not present in the solar system. These unusual discoveries can help better understand the emergence and evolution of planetary systems outside the Milky Way.

The origin of water on the Moon: new discoveries change the understanding of the history of the Earth and the Moon

The origin of water on the Moon: new ...

The latest research reveals that water on the Moon has a dual origin, combining material similar to early Earth and cometary sources, which opens up new perspectives for future space exploration and human presence on the Moon.

The James Webb telescope reveals the secrets of trans-Neptunian objects and their chemical composition

The James Webb telescope reveals the secrets ...

Recent research using the James Webb Space Telescope has uncovered key chemical compounds on the surfaces of trans-Neptunian objects, providing the most detailed insight yet into their structure, evolution, and connection to the formation of the solar system.

Superflares on stars like the Sun detected more often than previously thought

Superflares on stars like the Sun detected ...

Superflares, extreme solar explosions, can cause significant disturbances on Earth. Recent research shows that such events on sun-like stars occur much more often than previously believed, with serious consequences for our planet and technology.

Discovery of the smallest asteroids in the main belt using the shift and stack method

Discovery of the smallest asteroids in the ...

Scientists at mit have discovered the smallest asteroids ever recorded in the main asteroid belt, measuring 10 meters in size, using a new technique to analyze data from space telescopes. This discovery brings significant opportunities to better understand the evolution of the solar system and protect against potential impacts.

The first commercial flight to the moon opens a new era of space tourism for 2025 – what to expect

The first commercial flight to the moon opens ...

Space tourism is becoming a reality: the first commercial flight to the moon announced for 2025. Private companies lead missions that include a stay on the moon and the opportunity to explore its surfaces. Prices and travel requirements will only be available to the wealthy.

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