Croatian army

Germany reintroduces military service due to security threats and the need to strengthen the Bundeswehr

Germany reintroduces military service due to ...

The German government is taking the decision to reintroduce military service to respond to growing security threats in Europe. This measure aims to increase the number of military personnel and ensure a stronger military presence through a tailored training program that covers all young people aged 18.

Japan increases military budget due to regional tensions with China, North Korea and Russia

Japan increases military budget due to ...

Japan has announced a significant increase in the military budget to respond to growing threats from China, North Korea and Russia. It is planned to reach 2% of GDP by 2027, with an emphasis on modernizing the military arsenal and strengthening defense capacities.

Russia begins major military exercises in the Arctic due to strategic interests and defense of ballistic submarines

Russia begins major military exercises in the ...

Russia has launched major military exercises in the Arctic, including the Northern Fleet, to protect its strategic interests in the region and defend important maritime routes.

Program of training of promotional employees for attracting cadets to the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia successfully completed

Program of training of promotional employees ...

The training program for promotional employees organized in the Vitez Damir Martić barracks in Rakitje lasts five days and includes 13 participants from the Croatian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense.

Final march of the trainees from the military center "Marko Babić" from Udbina to Knin

Final march of the trainees from the military ...

The trainees of the leadership development training from Udbina embarked on an 88-kilometer final march towards Knin. This physically and mentally demanding stage symbolizes the end of the six-week military training and the transformation of the participants into leaders ready for command tasks in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia

Third anniversary of the death of officer Alen Janeš commemorated in Delnice

Third anniversary of the death of officer ...

An emotional ceremony was held at the City Cemetery in Delnice on October 14, 2024, to commemorate the third anniversary of the death of officer Alen Janeš, the first sergeant of the Special Forces Command. This anniversary symbolizes a remembrance of his courage and dedication, bringing together family, friends, and fellow soldiers in a moment of unity and respect

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