Tourism World

Wellness Tourism Growth in 2024: How the Global Health and Wellbeing Industry Is Transforming Travel

Wellness Tourism Growth in 2024: How the ...

An increasing number of travelers around the world are opting for wellness destinations that offer relaxation for body and mind. This trend is reshaping the tourism industry, and the wellness tourism market, currently worth over $1 trillion, continues to grow with a growing interest in mental health and personalized programs.

Green tourism on the rise: Vietnam and Nepal become leading eco-destinations for sustainable outdoor travel

Green tourism on the rise: Vietnam and Nepal ...

Sustainable tourism is increasingly attracting visitors to Vietnam and Nepal, countries that offer authentic and eco-friendly destinations. The national parks and natural habitats of these regions are becoming popular spots for nature lovers and adventurers who want to travel responsibly and contribute to the preservation of the environment.

Qatar and Albania are experiencing record tourism growth thanks to innovation and cultural attractions.

Qatar and Albania are experiencing record ...

Qatar and Albania are recording historic growth in tourism. Qatar stands out for its luxurious attractions and family-friendly amenities, while Albania attracts visitors with its natural beauty and affordable prices, making it a top destination in 2024.

Gastronomy-focused tourism: why Hanoi, Rome, and Florence are attracting food lovers around the world

Gastronomy-focused tourism: why Hanoi, Rome, ...

Food tourism attracts lovers of authentic flavors around the world, with Hanoi, Rome, and Florence among the most desirable destinations. These cities offer unique specialties and gastronomic experiences that highlight their rich culinary heritage, providing tourists with unforgettable trips to the world of flavors.

Record tourist season in Italy 2024: growth in the number of visitors despite extreme climatic conditions

Record tourist season in Italy 2024: growth ...

Italy is seeing a remarkable increase in tourists in 2024, especially in southern regions like Sicily, despite heatwaves. Thanks to improved infrastructure and the promotion of lesser-known destinations, Italy remains the world's leading tourist destination.

New York City

New York City's Strict Short-Term Rental ...

New regulation of short-term rentals in New York City is significantly changing the travel sector, reducing Airbnb rentals, and impacting the real estate market, as hotels see a surge in demand.

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