Tourism World

The art of traveling on your own: from getting ready to coming home

The art of traveling on your own: from ...

Traveling solo can be the most liberating experience of your life. Discover how it can boost your personal growth, uncover new horizons, and provide you with unforgettable memories in this comprehensive guide for solo travelers.

International Conference on Sustainability through Tradition in Bijakovići, Medjugorje

International Conference on Sustainability ...

Discover how tradition can become the key to sustainability at the conference in Bijakovići, Medjugorje, from 31 January to 1 February 2025, which brings together experts from around the world.

New Trends in Tourism: Digital Currencies and Cashless Payments Are Changing Tourists

New Trends in Tourism: Digital Currencies and ...

Tourists are increasingly switching to digital payments as a secure and convenient travel solution. Digital wallets, cryptocurrencies, and contactless options are changing the way travelers manage their finances abroad. This change brings benefits such as lower costs, faster transactions, and more secure data protection, which attracts an increasing number of tourists to destinations that support digital payments.

New Trends in Tourism: How Influencers and Social Media Are Shaping the Journeys of Young Generations

New Trends in Tourism: How Influencers and ...

Tourism marketing today is increasingly using influencers and social networks to attract young generations. This approach allows travel destinations to have a personalized and authentic way of portraying travel, which appeals to younger travelers. The focus on sustainability and unique experiences further fuels the interest of younger audiences in new destinations.

Luxury destinations increasingly popular with tourists despite economic uncertainty: Japan, Antarctica and Italy dominate in 2024

Luxury destinations increasingly popular with ...

Trips to luxury destinations are becoming more and more in demand, and interest in authentic and exclusive experiences is growing. Luxury accommodations, wellness retreats, and eco-conscious travel provide unique experiences for tourists who want a quality vacation and privacy. Among the most popular destinations are Japan, Italy and Antarctica, which offer unforgettable moments in unpolluted nature and rich culture.

World Heritage Destinations: Havana, Cusco, Agra, and Other Top Travel Choices in 2024

World Heritage Destinations: Havana, Cusco, ...

Destinations rich in cultural heritage such as Havana, Cusco, Agra, and Athens are experiencing a surge in popularity in 2024. Thanks to the preserved historical sites and authentic experiences they offer, they attract visitors from all over the world eager to explore past civilizations and traditions. These cities have become icons that symbolize cultural heritage and represent a bridge between history and modernity.

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Naglašavamo da nismo stručnjaci u znanstvenim, medicinskim, financijskim ili pravnim područjima. Stoga, prije donošenja bilo kakvih odluka temeljenih na informacijama s našeg portala, preporučujemo da se konzultirate s kvalificiranim stručnjacima. može sadržavati poveznice na vanjske stranice trećih strana, uključujući affiliate linkove i sponzorirane sadržaje. Ako kupite proizvod ili uslugu putem ovih poveznica, možemo ostvariti proviziju. Nemamo kontrolu nad sadržajem ili politikama tih stranica te ne snosimo odgovornost za njihovu točnost, dostupnost ili bilo kakve transakcije koje obavite putem njih.
Ako objavljujemo informacije o događajima ili prodaji ulaznica, napominjemo da mi ne prodajemo ulaznice niti izravno niti preko posrednika. Naš portal isključivo informira čitatelje o događajima i mogućnostima kupnje putem vanjskih prodajnih platformi. Povezujemo čitatelje s partnerima koji nude usluge prodaje ulaznica, ali ne jamčimo njihovu dostupnost, cijene ili uvjete kupnje. Sve informacije o ulaznicama preuzete su od trećih strana i mogu biti podložne promjenama bez prethodne najave. Preporučujemo da prije bilo kakve kupnje temeljito provjerite uvjete prodaje kod odabranog partnera, budući da portal ne preuzima odgovornost za transakcije ili uvjete prodaje ulaznica.
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