ZOO world

Jealousy in Animals: What Science Reveals About the Emotional World of Dogs, Primates, and Other Species

Jealousy in Animals: What Science Reveals ...

Scientists are investigating the emotional reactions of animals such as jealousy and fairness. New research suggests that jealousy in animals is not like human jealousy, but may reflect disappointment and expectations. Analyses show the complexity of animal emotions.

Global animal protection organizations campaign against the illegal trade in endangered species

Global animal protection organizations ...

The World Animal Protection Organization has launched an extensive campaign to counter the illegal trade in endangered species. This initiative emphasizes the importance of biodiversity conservation and cooperation between countries in the fight against wildlife smuggling.

Increase in global tiger populations thanks to habitat conservation efforts

Increase in global tiger populations thanks ...

The global population of tigers in the wild is experiencing significant growth thanks to international efforts to preserve the habitat and protect these magnificent animals, which represents hope for the future of this endangered species.

New discovery of bioluminescent shark and deep-sea creatures in the Pacific Ocean

New discovery of bioluminescent shark and ...

An international team of scientists has discovered the bioluminescent shark Ninja Lanternshark in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, providing new insights into the adaptations of life in the dark.

Manatee Rescue After Hurricane Helena: Challenges and Long-Term Consequences for Florida

Manatee Rescue After Hurricane Helena: ...

Florida rescue crews and biologists are facing major challenges rescuing manatees stranded by Hurricane Helene. Their efforts are focused on protecting these gentle giants and restoring ecosystems destroyed by floods and strong winds. Habitat recovery requires community collaboration, financial support, and increased awareness of the importance of preserving natural habitats in the context of climate change.

Ecosystem destruction: human impact on bird extinction and consequences for global biodiversity throughout history

Ecosystem destruction: human impact on bird ...

Human activity over the past millennia has destroyed hundreds of bird species, causing irreversible consequences for ecological functionality and biodiversity worldwide. Numerous key processes within ecosystems, such as pollination, insect control, and seed dispersal, are threatened

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