Events Croatia

Poreč hosts 40th International Fair of Hospitality, Gastronomy and Tourism

Poreč hosts 40th International Fair of ...

Poreč becomes a centre of catering and gastronomy with top exhibitors, culinary masters and innovations in the HoReCa sector. Education, competitions and expert panels dedicated to sustainability, digitalization and the future of tourism are expected.

Zagreb becomes the center of pole dance art: the spectacular Flow Case 2025 is coming to Boogaloo

Zagreb becomes the center of pole dance art: ...

In April, Zagreb becomes the center of the pole dance scene with Flow Case 2025, a two-day event that combines art, strength and acrobatics. More than a hundred performers from the region are expected to showcase the splendor of styles through solo, duo and group performances, taking pole dance to a new level of performance art.

Rijeka Carnival 2025: spectacular parade, tradition and unforgettable atmosphere

Rijeka Carnival 2025: spectacular parade, ...

The 2025 Rijeka Carnival once again delighted thousands of visitors and participants, bringing luxurious masks, allegorical circuits and an inimitable atmosphere. Tradition, satire and international presence have made this event the must-see event of the year in the region.

Sneškopalj – a unique snowmen

Sneškopalj – a unique snowmen's parade in ...

Mrkopalj becomes the host of the unique snowmen parade – Snješkopalj. This unusual event combines the spirit of the carnival with a fairy-tale winter ambience, bringing together children and adults in creative snowmen costumes. A rich program with dancing, music and socializing is expected.

Opatija – an oasis of health and wellness with Nordic walking, sup and mindfulness exercises

Opatija – an oasis of health and wellness ...

Opatija offers a unique blend of recreation, wellness and natural beauty through Nordic walking, sup and mindfulness exercises. With expert guidance, participants can enjoy outdoor activities and wellness programs that promote a healthy lifestyle and revitalization of the body and mind.

The second edition of the Novi trail 2025 race in Novi Vinodolski attracts runners and nature lovers

The second edition of the Novi trail 2025 ...

Spring brings new sports energy to Novi Vinodolski with the second edition of the New Trail 2025 race. With two trails through attractive landscapes, children's races and rich accompanying content, this sporting event becomes a must for all lovers of running and active rest.

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