Tourism Croatia

Croatian National Tourist Board at mice workshop Meet the Bidder in Warsaw

Croatian National Tourist Board at mice ...

The Croatian National Tourist Board successfully presented its offer at the 37th mice workshop "Meet the Bidder Grand Edition" in Warsaw, promoting Croatia as an attractive destination for congresses, business events and travel incentives on the Polish market.

Creating Tourist Experiences in Zadar County: Educational Workshop for Tourism Stakeholders

Creating Tourist Experiences in Zadar County: ...

A workshop was held in Zadar on December 11, 2024, which brought together key tourism stakeholders with the aim of encouraging the development of authentic tourist experiences in Zadar County. Speaker Zoran Kasum presented guidelines for creating competitive and sustainable experiences that connect tourists with local culture and tradition

Presentation of the Tourism Potential of Osijek-Baranja and Sisak-Moslavina Counties in Rotterdam

Presentation of the Tourism Potential of ...

The tourism offer of Osijek-Baranja and Sisak-Moslavina counties has been presented in Rotterdam, with an emphasis on eno-gastronomy and sustainable tourism

Croatia has won the title of Destination 2025 at the Travel News Market in Stockholm

Croatia has won the title of Destination 2025 ...

Croatia has been declared the best destination in the "Affordable Week" category thanks to a unique combination of natural beauty, rich culture, and affordable prices at the prestigious Travel News Market fair

Blue and Red Lake in Imotski among the most underrated destinations in Europe for 2025

Blue and Red Lake in Imotski among the most ...

Imotski lakes, Blue and Red Lake, delight with their natural beauty and historical significance. This hidden treasure of the Dalmatian hinterland is highlighted as one of the most underrated destinations in Europe, ideal for nature lovers and authentic experiences

Ninth National DMK Forum: eno-gastro tourism as the key to sustainable development of Croatian destinations

Ninth National DMK Forum: eno-gastro tourism ...

The Ninth National DMK Forum brought together experts from Croatia and around the world, with an emphasis on eno-gastro tourism that contributes to sustainability and innovations in destination management

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Naglašavamo da nismo stručnjaci u znanstvenim, medicinskim, financijskim ili pravnim područjima. Stoga, prije donošenja bilo kakvih odluka temeljenih na informacijama s našeg portala, preporučujemo da se konzultirate s kvalificiranim stručnjacima. može sadržavati poveznice na vanjske stranice trećih strana, uključujući affiliate linkove i sponzorirane sadržaje. Ako kupite proizvod ili uslugu putem ovih poveznica, možemo ostvariti proviziju. Nemamo kontrolu nad sadržajem ili politikama tih stranica te ne snosimo odgovornost za njihovu točnost, dostupnost ili bilo kakve transakcije koje obavite putem njih.
Ako objavljujemo informacije o događajima ili prodaji ulaznica, napominjemo da mi ne prodajemo ulaznice niti izravno niti preko posrednika. Naš portal isključivo informira čitatelje o događajima i mogućnostima kupnje putem vanjskih prodajnih platformi. Povezujemo čitatelje s partnerima koji nude usluge prodaje ulaznica, ali ne jamčimo njihovu dostupnost, cijene ili uvjete kupnje. Sve informacije o ulaznicama preuzete su od trećih strana i mogu biti podložne promjenama bez prethodne najave. Preporučujemo da prije bilo kakve kupnje temeljito provjerite uvjete prodaje kod odabranog partnera, budući da portal ne preuzima odgovornost za transakcije ili uvjete prodaje ulaznica.
Sve informacije na našem portalu podložne su promjenama bez prethodne najave. Korištenjem ovog portala prihvaćate da čitate sadržaj na vlastitu odgovornost.