
Vessel electrification: a sustainable future for maritime transport in Croatia

Vessel electrification: a sustainable future ...

Croatia is turning to environmentally friendly navigation, reducing emissions and noise at sea. Electric boats are becoming a key alternative to fossil fuels, bringing quieter and cleaner navigation. The tourism sector and boat owners are increasingly recognizing the benefits of this innovation for the environment and the economy.

IF AFFINIS - how the new analytical system changes traffic in Croatia

IF AFFINIS - how the new analytical system ...

The revolutionary AKD AFFINIS system brings digitalization of road traffic in Croatia, increasing safety and efficiency and reducing emissions through smart tachograph data analysis for drivers and companies

Russia and Pakistan launch first direct freight rail line to improve trade links

Russia and Pakistan launch first direct ...

Russia and Pakistan are planning a new railway route that will connect the region through Iran and Azerbaijan, shortening transport times and strengthening economic relations between the two countries. The project will improve trade corridors in Eurasia.

Channel Istanbul: an ambitious project with implications for Turkey

Channel Istanbul: an ambitious project with ...

The Kanal Istanbul project brings controversy over environmental and political risks, as well as financial challenges for Turkey in an attempt to reduce traffic on the Bosphorus.

Autonomous Trucks as the Future of Transport: Technological Innovations and Challenges

Autonomous Trucks as the Future of Transport: ...

At the Detroit Motor Show, autonomous trucks were unveiled, promising to revolutionize transportation. Equipped with advanced technologies, these trucks can reduce costs, increase safety, and transform logistics. In this article, we explore the future of autonomous driving and the challenges that accompany it.

New European Union aviation safety rules aimed at protecting passengers and cargo

New European Union aviation safety rules ...

The European Union has introduced new security measures for air traffic due to the growing threat of terrorism. These measures include enhanced inspections of passengers and cargo, as well as the use of advanced technology to detect dangerous goods. The aim is to ensure safety in air traffic and prevent possible attacks.

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